Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Bride is Dead

We[the church] are to be a beautiful bride dressed to impress for Christ whom is called the bridegroom but by the looks of it the Bride[the church] has become dead and if the Bride is still alive her very breath is being sucked out of her by Satan himself. This is kind of a scary thought to me simply because we[the church] are to resemble the image of a physical Bride on her wedding day waiting to be married, so full of life and expectation. What man in his right mind wants to marry a Corpse Bride? Then, why have we let the Bride of Christ become dead? Why have we lost the breath that keeps her alive? Why as a Body are we killing ourselves over Doctrine and Division? James says that foolish men speak of Doctrine and John already settled the dispute of division with the matter of Diotrephes and Gaius(3 John).

To understand how to Revive the Bride of Christ we must understand three things.
1. We must love God with every ounce of our mind, body, spirit and soul.
2. We must love everybody as we love ourselves.
3. We must have the hearts of a worshiper.

Each of these tied together can put blood back into the Bride, but not breath. If we love God with everything that we have we will prosper and live with an abundant life including Joy, Happiness, Exceeding Faith, Health, Commerce, Education and Government. The important thing about loving God is that unadulterated love for God breaks down the talk of Doctrine. If we love each other as we love ourselves, we will no longer Divide. Nobody feels like they have less or more than the other meaning that Murder, Theft, Adultery, Disrespect ect...will be completely and utterly crushed under our heel as Jesus did to the serpant.(In the physical we can crush the serpant, in the spiritual we can crush satan and metaphorically we can crush Satan[sin] through Christ's bidding). If we have the Hearts of Worshippers then we won't care as to what the world is doing because we will be in Obedience to God's will. This eliminates the need to even go out and try and win souls for Christ because people were built to fellowship and worship God. So, if we worship the hearts of man[and woman] will feel God deep inside them and release what has been shoved down by sin for so long and that means that even the coldest hearts will bur for God, as ong as worship stays pure, meaning follow the two previous points. They are all neccessary to have a Body that supports Life.
Now that we've established what it takes to have a healthy body we still cannot survive without breath.

Jesus commanded us to be filled with his spirit! It was not a request or an if you want it come and get it statement it was a command! We[the Church] are no longer filled with the Holy Spirit! That's exactly why we are suffocating. That alone is why Satan is winning the fight against God's Kingdom! We[the Church] need to breathe again, we need to become SPIRIT FILLED PEOPLE just as Jesus COMMANDED. If we begin to BREATHE the BLOOD in the BODY of the BRIDE will start to flow and the KINGDOM of GOD will PROSPER be EDUCATED and GOVERN in the way God intended.

{SIDE-NOTE}We[the Church] must do what any Kingdom in history has ever done and that is expand our boundries and defend our those boundries. Now that We[the Church] know how to be a Beautiful Blushing Bride full of Breath and Blood with STRONG Bodies we must put that to use. It was promised that the gates of hell will not prevail against us so let's go and take up arms together, and create the greatest Kingdom imaginable in the name of and solely for Christ Jesus. This is my call to arms, think about it.